Apache spark (1) AutoEncoder (1) Big data (1) Credit Card (1) Django (1) EDA (1) Fraud Detection Model (1) IsolationForest (1) K-means (1) KNN (1) LDA (1) Linear Discriminant Analysis (1) LocalOutlierFactor (1) Logistic Regression (1) Maching learning (1) NLP (1) Python (1) RFM (1) Random Forest (1) RestAPI (1) SVM (1) Support Vector Machine (1) Tensorflow (1) apache spark (1) big data (1) deep learning (1) fullstack (1) java (1) kaggle (1) lightbgm (1) matplotlib (1) python (4) sklearn (1) xgboost (1)

 Apache spark (1)

Introduction to Apache Spark

 AutoEncoder (1)

Fraud Detection Model

 Big data (1)

Introduction to Apache Spark

 Credit Card (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 Django (1)

airbnb clone coding

 EDA (1)

E-commerce Customer action analysis using RFM method

 Fraud Detection Model (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 IsolationForest (1)

Fraud Detection Model

 K-means (1)

E-commerce Customer action analysis using RFM method

 KNN (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 LDA (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 Linear Discriminant Analysis (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 LocalOutlierFactor (1)

Fraud Detection Model

 Logistic Regression (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 Maching learning (1)

Identification of Different Types of Cell Nuclei in Cancer

 NLP (1)

Design Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark

 Python (1)

airbnb clone coding

 RFM (1)

E-commerce Customer action analysis using RFM method

 Random Forest (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 RestAPI (1)

airbnb clone coding

 SVM (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 Support Vector Machine (1)

Credit Card Fraud Detection Model

 Tensorflow (1)

Fraud Detection Model

 apache spark (1)

Design Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark

 big data (1)

Design Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark

 deep learning (1)

Identification of Different Types of Cell Nuclei in Cancer

 fullstack (1)

airbnb clone coding

 java (1)

Design Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark

 kaggle (1)

Identification of Different Types of Cell Nuclei in Cancer

 lightbgm (1)

Semiconductor manufacturing analysis

 matplotlib (1)

Semiconductor manufacturing analysis

 python (4)

E-commerce Customer action analysis using RFM method
Semiconductor manufacturing analysis
Design Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark
Identification of Different Types of Cell Nuclei in Cancer

 sklearn (1)

Semiconductor manufacturing analysis

 xgboost (1)

Semiconductor manufacturing analysis